Damage result totally attributable to ships latent defect 上述费用由你方货主承担。
In a sale by sample , if the buyer was not aware of a latent defect in the sample , the subject matter delivered by the seller shall nevertheless comply with the normal quality standard for a like item , even though the subject matter delivered complies with the sample 第一百六十九条凭样品买卖的买受人不知道样品有隐蔽瑕疵的,即使交付的标的物与样品相同,出卖人交付的标的物的质量仍然应当符合同种物的通常标准。
6 if , during the warranty period specified in clause 14 and as a result of inspection by the administration or otherwise , it is found that the quality or specifications of the goods are not in conformity with the contract or if the goods are proven to be defective for any reason , including latent defects or the use of unsuitable materials , the buyer shall promptly notify the seller of the existence of a claim 如果在合同条款第14条规定的保证期内,根据检验检疫局的检验结果,发现货物的质量或规格与合同要求不符,或货物被证实有缺陷,包括潜在的缺陷或使用不合适的材料,买方应及时向卖方提出索赔。
The director of lands and the director of buildings are looking at lease conditions and building regulations to provide the best support and incentives for developers , professionals and contractors to design and construct quality buildings , to use safe , durable and maintainable materials , to contribute to a maintenance fund , and to lengthen the warranty period for latent defects 地政总署署长及屋宇署署长正研究有关的批地契约条款及建筑物规例,提供最佳的支持及诱因,鼓励发展商专业人士及承建商设计及建造优质楼宇使用安全耐用的物料注资成立维修基金定出较长的楼宇保养期。
In the law of the sale of property (both real estate and personal property or chattels) a latent defect is a fault in the property that could not have been discovered by a reasonably thorough inspection before the sale.